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Oak Tree Church, High Street, Acton

An New Wine Anglican plant from St Barnabas, Kensington (a Holy Trinity Brompton plant) based in central Acton, a few yards from St Mary’s. They moved into the old Fire Station (1899) at 216 High Street in 2011 after being in St Albans Acton Green between 2000 and 2005.

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Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, Newton Avenue, Acton

Built in 1895 as a Baptist church and designed by F.W.Stocking. The building was sold to The Ukrainian church in 1977.

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Our Lady of Lourdes, High Street, Acton (Roman Catholic)

On the main street through the town centre. It dates from 1902 and is by Edward Goldie.

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St Mary, King Street, Acton

An ancient site in the centre of Acton but the current church by H. Francis is from 1865-67. The west tower was added in 1875-76. There is much glass by Clayton & Bell and Gibbs.

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